What’s a NTP?

What we do…


Each person is unique and so is their body. A protocol is made specifically for you. We support your body. You will receive a guide on how to support your individual body.


We teach you how to support your body. Instead of you having to try and sift through all the information available, we have already spent the time learning the best practices to support clients through diet, lifestyle, and supplements. We will help educate you on how to live a healthy life.


Your health history began before you were even born. NTPs evaluate health concerns, lifestyle, and diet. We use each pieces of knowledge to put together the puzzle of how to best support YOU!


Knowledge is power. We give you the confidence to know what your body needs and how to give it what it needs. You can now walk into a grocery store and know what to buy, what to eat, and how to exercise. You will have the confidence to live your best life.